Enjoy Christmas this year; put aside the virus

This Christmas season and the Christmas season last year--2020, have been challenging, for sure! The virus has taken away many freedoms we have held dearly and maybe have taken for granted. But, you and I don't have to stay hostage to this virus or any virus. We can still be happy and enjoy the season. Sure, many of us are unable to be with family and friends and that hurts; that hurts a lot. But, when you think about the real meaning of Christmas and why so many of us celebrate it, we can still be happy and positive and enjoy the happiness of the season. Christians celebrate Christmas because that is when Christ was born. If Christ was never born, if Christ never lived on this earth and was crucified, died and rose from the dead, there would be no Christmas, there would be no laughter, hope or anything uplifting about the season we call Christmas. Many are suffering this time of the year fro...