Never Give Up! by Toni Star

We are all going through trying times. We have the coronavirus, bad weather, some facing financial challenges and others facing layoffs and other financial concerns. All of these are reasons to possibly give up, be depressed or feel anxious and hopeless.

Sure, these are all struggles that cause all sorts of anxiety, fear and depression but there is no need to feel this way. Keep in mind; the "evil" is causing problems for many of us by putting doubt, fear, worry and other negative feelings in our hearts and minds but there is no need to feel put out or feel that there is no way out because there is.

The way out from fear, anxiety, hopelessness or any other type of anxiety is to pray and trust that God will bring you through because He will. There is nothing on this earth that can take you away from Him or make you feel hopeless and helpless. When that happens, immediately go to Christ because that is what He wants you to do. He wants to help get you out of the hopeless and helpless feelings. He overcame the world and has great power and because of this, we, too, have the power, hope and love that only comes from Him.

So, no matter what you face today or any day that is negative, anxiety-provoking or fearful, you can turn immediately to Him and He will pull you out of it. I just heard what a catholic priest said on TV about being overwhelmed and nervous. He said, when such a situation happens, "surrender your will over to Jesus and then say to Jesus, "Take care of this matter." I have tried this several times and it works!

How can I say this? What authority do I have in saying this? Simple. He has pulled me out of many anxieties, fears and depression. When you feel down and out, go somewhere quiet, tell Him what is on your mind, ask for His help and He will answer you. Why will He do this? Because He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you! No one else on this earth will do this. The only exception for someone saving your life would be like a fireman or policeman; they would protect and save your life because that is what they do--and they do it well!

In Faith,

Toni Star 


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