Wonderful Words from Holley Girth--preface from Toni Star

I hope you all will read the following words that come from Holley Girth 2021. I have read and reread them and they have been so helpful! Please take a few minutes and read them. I think that you will find her words not only helpful but also very healing. This Covid virus has been not only stressful but tiring but through out it all, God has been with us--each and everyone! No matter what comes today, tomorrow or five, twenty years from now--God will be with you and me! Hold on to your faith because it is your faith in God that will bring you through whatever you face--now and every day! Toni Star

 We, as humanity, have been through a lot in the past year or so. That can make it feel as if we’re failing, but really we’ve just all been fighting hard.

So remember this, you’re doing better than you know, you’re loved more than you can imagine, and you’re going to get through whatever is in front of you today.

There is nothing you will face this week that’s bigger than your God. No problem. No struggle. No opposition. He can’t be defeated and therefore you can’t be defeated either. Yes, there may be some battles. You may even be wounded. But you will not be overcome.

He’s in the hospital room when the test results come. He’s in the meeting when the announcement is made. He’s in your living room when the person you love slams the front door and walks into the night.

He’s there in the middle of it all, standing with You on the battlefield, promising You that the war isn’t over, the enemy will not win in the end.

It’s okay to let the tears stream down your face, to pound your fists against your pillow, to feel tired and sad and confused. In the middle of it all, hold tightly to what’s true and refuse to let anyone or anything take it from you.

You’re not weak, you’re a warrior fighting a hard battle.

Your story isn’t done, God is still doing a good work in your life.

And it’s not over, you’re an overcomer with hope and a future.


God, in this world we will face battles. We will have struggles. There will be blood, sweat, and tears. But whatever we may face, You promise that we can and will overcome it with You. Give us the strength to keep fighting, the courage never to give up, and the faith to stand firm no matter what happens. We entrust ourselves to You, the One who will deliver us. Amen.

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

Cheering You On, 



  1. Very good article cheering us on through this pandemic. The battle continues but God shows us the way. All things are possible with our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to resist the devil always stirring things up. Instead focus on God and his love for his creation.


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