This virus situation will end one day by Toni Star

 This covid virus will end one day. Of course no one knows when, but it will pass. So many of us are hurting; either physically, mentally or both. I have suffered and continue to suffer from both but I am not giving up and neither should you. In the Bible, Jesus said, "I am with you always, even to the end." What does that mean? It means that He is with you no matter where you go or what you do. Yes, I know. We can't see him but He is there spiritually, all the time.

No matter how you are suffering or where you are, don't give up. That is what the evil one wants you to do. He wants to discourage you so that you focus on the negative and awful situations, instead of focusing on Christ and all He can do to help you.

Keep in mind; Christ can't always take away the pain and suffering but He will be with you as you go through the trials and tribulations of life. He died so that you and I might live and have life abundantly. He died for us so that when we die and believe in Him, we will go and be with Him at the moment we pass on from this life to our lives with Him.

This pandemic has stretched us in so many ways. Instead of cowering under the stress of the virus; know that you are already a "winner" when it comes to being loved and cared for by Christ. No matter how bad it gets, you will come out on top. Feel free to cry and give all of your thoughts and fears to Christ. He will lift them up and away from you!

No fear can separate you from our dear Lord.

He knows everything about you.

There is strength in His staff and rod.

He will brush away every fear, every trace of blue.

Why? Because He loves you.


  1. Very good article. "This pandemic has stretched us in so many ways." Correct but as you noted focus instead on Jesus Christ for he is the way and the light. Don't let the evil one divert our attention away from Jesus.


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