What I have learned from the Covid virus by Toni Star

I  feel certain that what I am about to say about the Covid virus, many would agree with. First, it has been a trail, tribulation and a challenge! I don't think anyone could deny this. It has shaken people and countries like nothing current generations have seen or gone through before. Each day seems to bring more challenges but many are facing and overcoming these challenges. Certainly, it has caused harm, death and destruction; however, if one can face the awful truth, there can be some nuggets good to be found.

I may be very wrong but in my opinion, some good has been, and continues, to come out of all this. Think for a moment. Look at families; many are getting closer than ever before. There is more emphasis on families pulling together than I and others have seen in a long time. More people are staying home and preparing meals--of course, this is necessary because the restaurants and some fast food places are just not ready for prime time yet.

Movie theaters are only working minimally now and that has also forced many families to watch what is on TV and their DVDs. Look at the money most of us are saving on eating out, shopping and going to the movies! Sure I miss these outgoings and you probably do, too, but we are saving money and keeping safe from this dreaded virus.

Also, many are exercising more at home or taking walks with the family or their pets. This is good, physically, as well as emotionally.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of all is getting closer to God and Jesus and getting closer to God and Jesus helps us to see what is really important in life. What is so wonderful about God and Jesus is that God and Jesus are always with us, as well as the Holy Spirit! All we have to do to get in contact with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is to pray and give thanks!

So, when we feel down and tired of this virus--and we all do--think of the wonderful benefits that this virus brought in and you will feel uplifted, positive and happy. For as Christians, we can say--"We belong to Jesus, for He cares for us!"

Copyright Toni Star 2020


  1. Excellent article that brings out the positive side of the coronavirus. We are learning to live life differently. God and family always come first. Saving money also helps.


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