Don't wait too long! Prepare for fall now! by Toni Star

In just a few weeks fall will begin. Yes, I know. It is still quite warm. Nothing to worry about. Or, is it?

Even though it is sunny and warm, cooler weather is already beginning in some states. In Ohio, the 70s are appearing and that means that soon, summer will be gone. So, what should you and I do to prepare for the upcoming cooler weather? The following is a brief list of what we all should do in the coming weeks:

1. Get rid of anything that is not needed--clothes, blankets, shoes and such. Give them to the Goodwill or S. Army or to someone who could really use these items.

2. Have your furnace, hot water heater and dryer vent checked. Also, if you have a fireplace, clean it out or have someone do it for you. If the fireplace is heated by gas, then call the furnace company and have them come out and do some maintenance on it. This will give you peace of mind and it will be operating at a good and safe pace.

3. Downsize furniture, if needed and purchase furniture that will make your life and living quarters, easier and more comfortable.

4. Clean your carpet and area rugs.

5. Cover your windows with plastic.

6. Check your windows and doors to see if they are in good shape; check to see if any weathering is needed.

7. Wash blankets and prepare them for fall use.

8. Clean up your backyard and/or patio. Put away outdoor furniture; clean the furniture before putting it away.

9. Check the maintenance on your car; prepare it for fall.

10. Make sure that you have the necessary cleaning supplies for the upcoming months; check to see if you have all the groceries you require for the weeks ahead. (This is especially needed, knowing that the Covid virus is still in progress and you will need extra food and cleaning supplies.)

So, don't be left behind. Get ready for fall and have a great fall!

Copyright Toni Star September 2020


  1. Very good list of things "to do" in preparation for Fall and Winter. Stock up on food items. One never knows when a major snow storm or blizzard will appear. And remember the dark winter clouds that say "I'm going to get you." Prepare and the clouds will leave you alone.


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