Don't let this virus steal away your peace

Don’t let this virus steal away your peace.
Soon, it will be over; you’ll see it will cease.
Our Lord and Savior are aware of it all.
He will keep you from the fall.

There are lessons to be learned from all of this.
No need to focus on the abyss.
Focus on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
All three will keep you fit.

Friend; so much beauty and life ahead.
Focus on the good and not the dread.
Soon, all of this will be over.
Then, you and I will be living in clover.

So, think of good and not bad.
This will keep you from feeling sad.
Life is for the living; of that I am sure.
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit—all three are pure!

Focus on the Creator, for He loves us all!

Copyright Toni Star 2020


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