What is Lent and what Lent means to me by Toni Star

What Lent means to me

Lent is the six week period that leads up to Easter. It is one of the most sacred and important times of the year for Christians—here in our country and around the world.

Even though Lent is seen as a time of preparation and solemn observance, it is most importantly, the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. His resurrection is one of the most joyful and happy events of the Bible and of the Christian world.

From the beginning on Ash Wednesday until it conclusion on Easter Sunday, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting or giving up something or abstinence. However, some Christians, instead of giving up something, take “on” something—like doing everything they can to spread the word of God or helping others in need—be it contributions or giving help to a neighbor or relative. Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering the life, death, body and resurrection of Jesus.

As a Christian, find out about Jesus and the importance of his life—especially His death, and resurrection. Read the New Testament. There is nothing in this world that compares to Jesus Christ because He alone is the Holy One; He alone is Lord.

During your search on Jesus, find out about the importance of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please the good Lord. Faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm. Faith links us with God. Faith is the tangible essence of what is hoped for. Actually, faith is the evidence of those things that are not yet visible. Hope is greatly needed in this world but faith, on the other hand, is tangible. Read the Bible, believe that Jesus is Lord, that you can receive good things from Him, and you will receive the wondrous benefits of faith!

Copyright Toni Star 2020


  1. Faith is believing the Good Lord, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit exist even though we do not actually "see" God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Faith is knowing they are always here for us. Only a breath away. And miracles do happen when God or Jesus intervene by our prayers. Love God, Obey God, and Trust God.


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