What is Lent and what Lent means to me by Toni Star

What Lent means to me Lent is the six week period that leads up to Easter. It is one of the most sacred and important times of the year for Christians—here in our country and around the world . Even though Lent is seen as a time of pre paration and solemn observance, it is most importantly, the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. His resurrection is one of the most joyful and happy events of the Bible and of the Christian world. From the beginning on Ash Wednesday until it conclusion on Easter Sunday, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting or giving up something or abstinence. However, some Christians, instead of giving up something, take “on” something—like doing everything they can to spread the word of God or helping others in need—be it contributions or giving help to a neighbor or relative. Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering the life, death, body and resurrection of Jesus. As a Christian, find out about Jes...