Be strong and courageous...Do not be afraid or terrified

Not long ago I experienced fear and anxiety. My husband had to go to the hospital; he had a fever, his pulse was high--around 120 and he felt awful! As his wife, I have felt this kind of fear before when he had other health problems and even though everything turned out alright in the past, I was afraid.

How many of us, when things go bad, forget about God and how He has helped us in the past? It is easy to forget, even though we know we shouldn't. David, in the Bible, was afraid many times for his life. His own son wanted him dead and so many others wanted him gone, too.

How about you? Do you often feel afraid and alone? Do you feel sometimes that God has abandoned you? Sure. We all have at times. But, God has said many times in the Bible that "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Moses encouraged the Israelites to resist fear and follow God in truth. When they became fearful after learning Moses would soon be taken from them, Moses replied, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified for the Lord you God goes with you." Deuteronomy 31:6.

No matter what you face now or in the future, God is with you. Face your fears knowing that no matter what comes your way, God is with you. Remember, God is a spirit; we can't see Him but He is always there. Believe on this with faith.

Keep in mind; living without fear doesn't mean that we don't feel afraid but that we don't obey the fear.

God is with you now and always.

In Faith,

Toni Star

Copyright Toni Star 2019


  1. Very good article. "God is with you now and always." We should also trust in the Good Lord for he will take care of us through his unending love and mercy. Fear can be overwhelming but through Christ fear can be conquered.


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