Think, Feel Act

I've been reading Rick Warrens' book, "God's Power to change your life." It is a wonderful book, full of helpful and godly information. As a Christian and person who seeks a closer relationship to God and people, I am getting a lot of helpful information from the book.

Like some, I struggle in trying to be a good person; a person who tries to do the will of God. Like can be difficult, stressful and a challenge; I think many can attest to this. However, Rick Warren states in his book that there is simple and easy way to feel better about yourself and your life on this earth.

He states that one of the best ways to be a happier and more fulfilled person is to first think positive and Christian thoughts, then feel positive and Christian thoughts and then act in a positive and Christian way.

Sounds simple? It is simple and it works! Think about it--what you think is what you will begin to feel and what you feel is how you will act. For example, if I feel stressed out thinking that something coming up will not go well, then I am setting myself up to feel stressed and then before you know it, I will act stressed.

So, to change the negative thinking, feeling and acting, replace those negative and fearful feelings, with positive and faith-filled feelings. This in turn, will lead to positive actions. I have tried this method and it works. However, it is something that has to be practiced on a regular basis. The best way to keep this going is to pray and read the Bible.

As you pray and read the Bible, hold on to the positive words and actions that are so prevalent in the Bible. Soon, you will be feeling so much better and you will be helping others along the way, too.

So, put away those anxieties and fears and replace them with godly traits of hope, faith, courage and peace. Remember--think, feel and act!

God Bless

Toni Star


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