Choices verses rejection

Everyday, we all make choices; some, however, instead use rejection as their way to treat others.

God gives us all a choice—we can choose to follow him or follow our own devices and desires. Rejection is man-made; it is something some of us do now and then. It can harm those to whom we reject and it can also harm us. 

Actually, rejecting others can backfire because we are setting ourselves up for rejections too. Keep in mind; the scripture says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So, whenever you reject a person, simply because you don’t like or agree with him or her, means that you too, somewhere will also be rejected.

For awhile I took rejection as personal; however, it should not be taken personal because that person or persons is making a choice—a choice that has nothing to do with you. Instead, he or she is showing you who they are. Their choices stem from the very depth of who they are.

So, when you feel that someone is rejecting you, think again! They are simply making a choice; a choice that has nothing to do with you at all. Remember, God chose you and He will never abandon or stop loving you. He loves you now and will throughout eternity.

Follow God’s commands, live your life according to His instructions and you will be a happier and more fulfilled person. With God in your heart and in your life, you will not need the approval and love of anyone! All you will need is His love. For he said, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Copyright Toni Star 2018


  1. Wonderful perspective on Choice versus Rejection. There is no rejection. Rejection is such a negative word.

    There is Choice. God even gave us the choice (free-will) to accept Him or not. As the article indicates, God accepts us warts and all.


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