Trust in God

Trust, these days, is hard to do. Look at the news. What do you see? I see lies, lies and more lies. Our government in the U.S. is scrambling to survive. We have enemies within and without. The news on TV is unbelievable and most of us don't know who to trust.

When trust becomes an issue in your life--no matter if it comes from your loved ones, friends or people you work for, you will be disappointed many times. I have been disappointed numerous times and like many, I feel discouraged and depressed.

As in the movie Ghostbusters, the famous line was, "Who are you going to call?" You could also turn this around and say, "Who are you going to trust?" You can put your trust in the stars, your partner, a family member, a business person or someone from a church.

But, do you know what? There will be times, I'm sure already, when you were let down. Am I right? You bet! So, do you know who you should put your complete and total trust in? You're already ahead of me, I'm sure. God! God should be the one we turn to when we are weary, afraid and don't know what to do.

Put your trust in God. He will never let you down. He is always there; no need to turn to anyone else. God and His son Jesus--the two are one--already know your need; they know when you are hurting, when you are afraid and what you need to feel better.

As Rick Warren often says in his books, "trust in God." In addition, he also suggests to "stop trying to figure things out and trust in God." It has taken me a long time--and sometimes I still struggle with the trust issue, but I am finding that time after time, God takes care of my needs and concerns. So, stop trying to figure things out--trying to solve problems on your own and trust in God who knows what you want before you know what you want.

Jesus said, "I am with you always, even to the end." Why should this give us comfort? These words should give us comfort because He is with us because He died on the cross, rose from the dead and will come again. However, for you and me to have this blessing, this miracle. we must be born again. To be born again, you must believe that Jesus lived, died, rose from the dead and will come again. Because, it is all true!

Trust in God and He will see you through!

God Bless,



  1. Trust in God; He is always there for you. Actually, He is as close to you as your next breath!


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