Make the New Year work for you!

Make the New Year work for you!

I don’t know about you but I’m glad the Christmas season is over! Don’t get me wrong. I love Christmas music and some of the movies on cable TV are worth watching and quite uplifting.

What I don’t miss are the endless commercials, the hype about being in the Christmas mood and the hype of working hard to make it the perfect Christmas. Also, I don’t like how some networks are pushing even more materialism for the coming year—new cars, new electronics and getting a job that make oodles more money.

You can probably guess about what I might say next. You got it! I am going to do my level best next year to spend less, read more and make my life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Here is a small list of how I am going to accomplish this:

1.    My first priority is to pray each morning and night and read scripture from the Bible. I am doing this now but my plan is doing more each day the coming year. Actually, I am going to start this now.

2.    Then, I am going to eat less. Yes, I've said this before and I failed miserably; however, this time I am going to draw up a plan to ensure that I put less into my stomach. I will, instead of eating a whole sandwich for lunch, only eat a half sandwich; at least twice a week. I will also cut back on snacks and chocolates. (This will be hard but my good health requires this.)

3.    I will also communicate more to several ladies at a nursing home, write to my sister more often and most importantly, help and appreciate my husband much more. He works so hard to keep us going.

4.    I will also treat others the way I would like to be treated

5.    I will also try new things this year.

6.    I will also look for other ways to make money online.

The New Year offers ways to make positive and healthy changes. Changes don’t have to be big or unusual; however, they do need to be changes that  make your life better and more fulfilling.

I will try harder, too, to not let negativity from others get me down. Do what you can to do this, too. Remember, God loves you. Once you feel in your mind that God loves you, you will feel better about who you are and about your life. Let God come into your heart and mind and understand, no other love is stronger or better than love that comes from God. God is spiritual; you can’t see Him but He is there 24/7

So, have a great 2018, don’t let the small things get to you, trust in God, love Him and you will have a good and happier New Year!

Copyright Toni Star 2018


  1. Wonderful article. We all need to make life adjustments at times. Starting a new year is a good time to make those life adjustments. Keep your goals next to you to remind you. It is too easy to become distracted. Focus on the Good Lord, ask for His assistance. With the Good Lord beside you success will follow.


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