Make the New Year work for you!

Make the New Year work for you! I don’t know about you but I’m glad the Christmas season is over! Don’t get me wrong. I love Christmas music and some of the movies on cable TV are worth watching and quite uplifting. What I don’t miss are the endless commercials, the hype about being in the Christmas mood and the hype of working hard to make it the perfect Christmas. Also, I don’t like how some networks are pushing even more materialism for the coming year—new cars, new electronics and getting a job that make oodles more money. You can probably guess about what I might say next. You got it! I am going to do my level best next year to spend less, read more and make my life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Here is a small list of how I am going to accomplish this: 1. My first priority is to pray each morning and night and read scripture from the Bible. I am doing this now but my plan is doing more each day the coming year. Actually, I am going to start thi...