What to do when life becomes stressful

Life can be stressful and difficult or it can be wonderful and easy-going but when things get tough and you feel that the "dark" one is trying to interfere and disrupt your life, there are two steps you can take that will bring you through. Actually, these two steps should be taken even before anything stressful or awful happens--and that is to read your Bible and pray.

Many have found that by reading the Bible and praying the first thing in the morning, that their day goes better. Of course, problems will occur, that is life but when those problems occur, you have the good Lord by your side. He will be there to see you through. Remember, Jesus said, "I am with you always." And, the best part is, He will be there with you and He will guide you through, no matter if you or someone you love is ill or dying or if money is short or if everyone is turning against you.

Isn't it a wonderful feeling to know that no matter what happens, Jesus will be there and give you comfort and a helping hand! That is the love of Christ. You see, He loves you more than anyone on this earth--your parents, siblings, friends--anyone! You don't have to face the future alone. Jesus will be there for you.

I have found that by reading the Bible and praying first thing in the morning that my day goes better and my soul feels refreshed with the word of God. When you feel that the "dark one" is pouncing on you, read some or all of the following scriptures:


So, don't let the dark one get you down. Turn to prayer and your Bible in the morning, afternoon and evening and you will feel the refreshment of the highest power on earth!

Copyright Toni Star 2017


  1. Excellent article! Prayer and reading the Bible in the morning sets the tone for the day. Thanks for the biblical quotes.


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