Jesus is Lord!

The following is an article I picked up months ago. I don't know the author but the article is so good I wanted to publish it for you today. The words are timeless and true. You and are are living a story today. It is indeed, "a story crafted and told by the Author of Heaven."
You are living a story today. A story crafted and told by the Author of heaven. The star-scatterer. The mountain-mover. The water-walker. It is a story of grace. A story of hope. A story of, most of all, love.
In the day-to-day it doesn’t feel like a story. It feels like dishes in the sink. Reports on the desk. Another mile behind the steering wheel of the car. But this doesn’t change what’s true. Beneath the surface of all that is ordinary still lurks the glory.
Sometimes the plot is confusing. Or strange. Or sad. Sometimes we want to cut a chapter out with sharp scissors. Sometimes we want to be the editors with the red ink. Sometimes we want to skip right to the end just to make sure it says “and they lived happily ever after.”
But this is not our role. It is not for us to say, “This is what happens next” or “I’m changing the ending.” Instead we are to trust, to wait, to be in the middle of the mystery. There is so much we do not know, that we will not know, but we can be certain of this: the Author is good and we are loved.
Yes, even when the unexpected sentence comes. When we face that dark-as-night period. When the syllables jumble together and we scratch our heads. Even in those places, between those lines, there is a God at work who has always been speaking, always been creating something beautiful in the middle of the broken.
Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. {John 21:25}
He is still doing many other things. He is not done with history. He is not finished with the part of it that is your story either. Whatever you are living today, it is not the final page. Hold on, there is a turning coming. There is more than this, more than here and now. We have not yet seen the there and then. And, however it may seem, God is still holding the pen.
God is indeed holding the pen; so fear not, He is always with you and me!
Copyright Toni Star 2017


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