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The Blood of Redemption by Roy Lessin (Posted March 27, 2017)

The following is not one of my posts but it is wonderful. I would like to share it with you...Toni

The Blood of Redemption

In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7 KJV
“You are forgiven and made clean.” How glorious and freeing are these words spoken from God’s heart to the hearts of those who have confessed and repented of their sins. And to those who believe and are God’s children, no words spoken by your heavenly Father could be more assuring than, “You are mine!”

There was once a boy who loved boats. On his tenth birthday the boy was given a wood carving set by his father. The boy used the tools to build a model boat to play with at the lake near his home. When he finished the boat he carved his initials, BB, on the stern.

The boy took his boat to the lake as often as he could. He tied a string to it, and would let the boat drift as far out as the string would let it go. One day a strong wind started to blow. As the boy began to pull the boat to shore the string broke. The wind and the waves quickly took the boat far out into the lake. The boat soon drifted out of sight. It was lost! Afterwards, the boy and his dad searched for days, but the boat was not found.

Months later, the boy was in town to do some shopping with the money he had earned doing odd jobs. As he walked past a toy store the boy looked in the window and saw a boat that looked exactly like his. The boy quickly entered the store and picked up the boat. When he looked at the back he saw the letters BB. There was no doubt the boat was his. The boy took the boat to the front counter and asked the owner how he had gotten it? The store owner replied, “A stranger brought it in a few days ago and sold it to me. It is for sale if you are interested.”

The boy was overjoyed! He immediately took out the money he had in his pocket and paid the store owner. As he left the store, he looked at the boat and said, “Well, little boat, I made you and I bought you….you are now twice mine!”

This story helps us understand that redemption is about ownership. Jesus’ blood has paid the purchase price to make us God’s possession. We are twice the Lord’s…He made us, and He bought us to be His very own.

He has purchased us to be His own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify Him. Ephesians 1:14 NLT
In His book Blood Bought, David Ravenhill says this about our redemption, “The object of Christ’s suffering was to ultimately restore a people to and for Himself…what God had in mind was to redeem a people for His own possession.”

On a poster published by DaySpring in the 1970’s Catherine Marshall said, “How wonderful to know that because you are His, He assumes full responsibility for keeping you in all your ways.”
Think of it! God loved you so much that He not only sent His Son to shed His blood for your sins, but God sent Him to pay the redemption price to make you His own. What can be greater than what God has done for you through His Son! He sought you, found you, cleansed you, forgave you,—and thankfully, He bought you and brought you to Himself! Your life is now in His hands. You are His child, a joint-heir with Christ, and He will care for you forever.
Jesus, thank You for my redemption and being my Redeemer. Thank You for paying a price for me that is greater than anything I know or can imagine. Thank You for being my Lord, for making me a part of Your family, for calling me Your friend, and for making it possible for me to place my life into the Father’s care and keeping. What a privilege I have to honor and glorify You each day.
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV
This article is the second in a 4-part Easter devotional series entitled “The Precious Blood of Jesus” written by Roy Lessin, co-founder of DaySpring. To read more from Roy, you can follow his Facebook page Meeting in the Meadow. In Roy’s next posting, we will learn about the life-changing Blood of Access. 


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