An Easter Story for you

Easter Story For Easter 2013

Jennifer was so sad; her father was dying of cancer and she wasn’t sure she was going to make it without emotionally breaking down. Her husband, Fred, was also sick and had been sick for about two weeks. She knew besides praying, that there was nothing she could do for her father but for her husband, she would continue giving him tender loving care for as long as it took. Because he was in the Heart Section of the hospital, doctors and nurses were doing everything they could to make sure he was comfortable and ready for the operation.

What made all of this hard to bear, was that Easter Sunday was only six days away and on every Easter Sunday as a child, teen and young adult, her father had always been there for her and for the last 10 years she and her husband always went to church on Easter. She prayed that her father and Fred would both be feeling better by Easter and that they could all go to church together.
Several days later, it looked like Jennifer’s Dad wasn’t going to be alive much longer. She kept praying and visiting him but he was on drugs for the pain and often didn’t know anyone was with him in the room talking with him.

It looked like this Easter Sunday was going to be a sad one and with her responsibilities of caring for both of them plus her work at a daycare center, her life was deteriorating so badly she wasn’t even sure she would be alive. The stress of the situations was taking a toll on her; her face was lined with wrinkles and her eyes were bloodshot with tears.

Then, something strange and wonderful happened. She began to feel that everything was going to work out alright. She was praying before going to work when “it” happened. As she was praying the Lord’s Prayer, she felt a comfort wash over her; almost like a warm feeling that comes when sitting and enjoying the early morning sun. She couldn’t explain it; only to say that she felt the presence of the Lord or a comforting angel. Deep inside she heard words like, “It’s going to be alright. Help is on the way. Preparations are being made. Don’t give up.”

The warm feeling remained for awhile and later she prepared for work and then visiting with her Dad and husband. Her husband’s operation was in the afternoon and so she prayed a special prayer for him. “Dear Lord, protect and be with my husband. Make sure he comes through the operation well and that good health will return to him. I need him Lord. We are so close. Please show us the way. And, also heal and protect my father and help me to do what I can to lessen his pain. Thank you, Lord.”

Later that day, she made her vigil at the hospital for her husband. The operation seemed to go on for ever but when it was finished, there was good news. “Your husband came through fine but he will have to make some changes to his diet and everyday behavior. He is free to go tomorrow. Want to keep him overnight to make sure he is strong enough to go home.”

After talking with her husband, seeing him smile and both of them sharing love for each other, she felt confident that he was going to be alright. An hour later she left and went to see how her father was doing.

As she rounded the corner to his room, she knew something was wrong. As she approached the door to his room, she could see that their family pastor was reading the Last Rites. She heard, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want….” Tears began to fall but there was a knowing inside of her that said, “It’s Dad’s time to go.” She looked at his face, saw the lines on his face smooth and calm and she could tell that he was at peace and that his pain and fear were over.”

Easter Sunday loomed bright that day and even though her husband couldn’t go with her, she felt his presence and she also felt her Dad’s presence. Over and over, she repeated the phrase, “Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid. Ye Believe in God. Believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions…”

It’s a fact of life that there is a time to be born and a time to die. It’s what we do; however, in between; that is what counts!

Copyright Toni Star 2013


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