Make this a "Turn around Year!"

I read about a month ago from Kenneth Copeland's magazine that Gloria Copeland, his wife, has stated in her article for this January's edition, that she is going to make 2021 a "turn around" year. I thought the idea of turning things around was most appealing and uplifting. I have decided, with God's help, that I, too, will do my best to make 2021 a turn around year. So, what are my goals in making this year different than all the other years? I am going to turn around anxiety, fear, loneliness and uncertainty and I will do this by turning over my anxiety, fear and loneliness to God and trusting in Him to take these unwanted emotions away and instead, trust Him to get these unwanted emotions out of my life and over to Him. For, I belong to Him, for He cares for me. When you are a born again Christian, God and His son Jesus, want you to be happy and content but you can't be if you are not with them and trusting that they will take care of your personal needs....