Just one focus word for the New Year, not resolutions: Article found online and my few words at the end

Just one focus word for the New Year, not resolutions. HABITS & GOALS · LIFE GOALS As the New Year approaches it’s time to reflect on the past year, celebrate achievements and give thought to the year ahead. It is the time of the year, where many people think about setting New Year resolutions which they quickly dismiss a few days or weeks later. Dismissed as little forethought went into it. Naturally, I believe in setting goals. In fact, I like to set goals in 8 areas of my life. However, I have also learnt about the power of having one focus word. And how choosing one focus word for the New Year can really help you clarify your core value. Why choose one focus word for the year. It was during a goal setting workshop at Kikki K that I first heard about having a focus word for the year. As a group, we were individually choosing personal core values . About 5 core values each. I remember choosing family, freedom, community, balance and ...