Samuel Paul Veissière Ph.D. A positive article about the virus

I am posting this article about the virus because it is such a positive look about the virus. I hope it helps you, as it has helped me. Even though this virus has caused pain and loneliness, it has also forced us to reevaluate and appreciate our lives. Toni Star Author of this peace...Samuel Paul Veissiere Ph.D. 1. We are no longer inattentive to what matters. Illnesses and accidents always trigger a cascade of unexpected positive events. First, they tend to channel our attention toward things we usually take for granted. Paradoxically, it is not until things break down that we start appreciating them – or even remembering that they exist. People with asthma, for example, speak of how grateful they are for the wonders of air and breathing. A broken leg or a broken car can make us appreciate the privilege of free movement. Or again, an unexpected inability to move effortlessly can trigger a wave...