Words from Ralph Waldo Emerson and me

The below words on a New Day come from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Each morning, as you wake up, you make a choice of what kind of day you will have. You may not do this consciously but you do make a choice. When you think about the word "choice" it should bring to mind that you, and only you, have the opportunity to make each new day happy and productive or sad and empty. To make each day positive and good, begin it by saying, "Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Help me to make it the best day of the year! I may not be feeling the best today but with your help, I will do my upmost for you and I thank you for everything you do for me." Read the below words from Ralph Waldo Emerson, keep them in your heart each morning and enjoy the day! And remember, God is always with you--at the beginning of each day and at the end of each day! THIS NEW DAY Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no on...