You and I have direct access to God

The following is a short article written by Rick Warren. He states that according to the Bible, you and I have direct access to God. What comforting words! We don't have to wait to talk with a relative or close friend when we are hurting; no, we simply go directly to God. As Rick notes, "God says that you are a priest." We have the same benefits of priests; we have the privilege of going directly to God and we also have the responsibility and privilege of representing God. These two facts are true when you become a believer in Jesus Christ. Because this is true, we can go directly to God with our problems and we also have the privilege of representing God. This is fantastic news for everyone--especially when we are hurting, in need or just wanting to give praise to God and His Son, Jesus. So, enjoy the article, get closer to God and know that He is with you always--even to the end of the age. And, as the picture says below, ...