Thanksgiving at Grandma's by Toni Star

Thanksgiving at Grandma’s by Toni Star November, then and now, signals just one thing to me, Thanksgiving at Grandma’s. Thanksgiving at her house was paradise! The atmosphere of food, laughter and love was wonderful and unforgettable. Thanksgiving morning at our house was busy. Mom would prepare a salad or pie; we kids would dress up in our good clothes and then go outside to play. We had to be careful not to get dirty. Good clothes in our family didn’t come easy. We weren’t poor but we were very frugal with money and food. Meanwhile, Dad stayed busy in the garage checking out the old Chevy. He’d check the oil, water and the battery and then give the tires a kick, for readiness. Often, I would go into the garage from time to time to see how he was doing. Often, he found things for me to do-such as checking the oil and water and inspecting the car battery to see if was clean and water filled to the proper level. I alw...