Just one focus word for the New Year, not resolutions: Article found online and my few words at the end


Just one focus word for the New Year, not resolutions.


As the New Year approaches it’s time to reflect on the past year, celebrate achievements and give thought to the year ahead. It is the time of the year, where many people think about setting New Year resolutions which they quickly dismiss a few days or weeks later. Dismissed as little forethought went into it. Naturally, I believe in setting goals. In fact, I like to set goals in 8 areas of my life. However, I have also learnt about the power of having one focus word. And how choosing one focus word for the New Year can really help you clarify your core value.


Why choose one focus word for the year.

It was during a goal setting workshop at Kikki K that I first heard about having a focus word for the year. As a group, we were individually choosing personal core values. About 5 core values each. I remember choosing family, freedom, community, balance and achievement. There were many values to choose from and making a quick choice is not wise. It is best to choose your words and really think about them and what they mean to you.

After you have a few core values, you choose one of the words as your main focus word. This is your power word for the year.


Bottom of Form

The power of choosing one focus word is to use the word as a lens. A word that guides you in your actions. A word that keeps you true to your overarching core value.

The benefits of just one word.

When you have one focus word you obtain clarity on decision making. You grow personally through the actions you take by having one focus.
One word helps with a vision, a direction. Whereas, New Year resolutions is more of a promise to yourself to change something. A resolution looks a the negative aspect. One word provides a lens in which to visualize the future through.
Your one focus word is the word you pass your intended actions through to decide if the action is moving your away or towards your goals.

How to choose your one word for the year.

The first step in choosing your main focus word is to identify the person you would like to become. The best way to do that is to reflect on the past year.

Step 1
How would you describe your past year? What are you proud of? If one word would describe the highlights of your year, what would it be?
What sort of changes are you looking at to make in your life throughout 2020?
Write down a few words that would sum up your year and the changes you wish to make in 2020.

Step 2
What are the characteristics of the person you wish to become? To level up what qualities does the person you need to become have?
Write down some of those qualities.

Step 3
Highlight the core values in your lists and choose one word for your year.
Get a list of core values here.

Tip: If a balanced life is what you’re after, choose a word that could apply to all areas of your life.

Keep your one word in focus.

Throughout 2020 keep you one word in mind. Write it down where you see it every day and as you take action towards your goals relate the action to the word.
Think does this one action bring me closer to my goals and am I in integrity with my core values. How do I feel when this action is seen through the lens of my power word?

In 2019 some words on reflection for me are consistent, reliable, supportive. Changes I’m looking at in 2020 are healthy changes.
For 2020 my one word is health. Health is a word I can apply to many areas of my life. In my article on work life balance, I talk about the wheel of life and balancing different spheres of life.
Healthy lifestyle, healthy finance, healthy relationships, healthy mind.
The focus words is a lens which helps guides your actions for the year.

(I have chosen one word that I will focus on in 2021 and that word is patience. I am not a patient woman but after reading Rick Warren's book, especially his chapter on patience, I feel the need to do my best to be patient. I have decided to take one event, one person and so on--separately--and do my best to be patient. I will turn to God for all three and ask for His guidance and help to be patient. I recommend that you not only read the above article but focus only on one word for the New Year, See how it goes and whatever that word is, turn to God and ask for His help. He will give that help to you because He loves you. God Bless, Toni Star )



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